This terribly cold weather is seriously no fun. Especially as it would seem that we're only getting the severe cold and not much snow to make up for the suffering. If we had some decent snowfall in our area then it would more than make up for the cold. And of course buckets of snow means schools tend to also remain shut. No snow means school is open as usual so the school run is simply no fun. Walking in below zero temperatures in intermittent snow showers whilst trying to avoid black ice on the pavement is horrible I tell ya! And it's the school run in the freezing cold that has brought on my cold, fever and hacking cough hence being totally bunged up and feeling bleurgh.
I've doused myself with Olbas oil for some sort of relief......sometimes it works.....sometimes it doesn't. Drank endless mugs of hot lemon and honey. Still bunged up. Oh how I wish I could take some powerful decongestant but with a beanie in my oven my options are limited. Thank god my mum is around to help with the girls. I need rest and lots of it. And I need this cold snap to snap out of it!
Here's a sneaky peak of our latest beanie.